Monday, October 17, 2016

Cosplay Mania '16 - Wanted: New Companion

Two years ago, I've started showing up on different conventions which involves toy collections, anime, cosplay, and etc. Last October 1-2, I went to Cosplay Mania, and this, no doubt, is the convention that I enjoyed the most, when in comparison to other conventions that I attended for the year. I attended both days of the event, and it was totally worth it!

The thing I like about this convention, are the cosplay. It's fun seeing your favorite characters. In my first convention two years ago, I would be happy when I recognize the characters. For some instances, I would even socialize with the cosplayers, when we have the same interests.

Here are some of the shots taken by me at the convention.

Hana (Kazahana in JP) from Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright

Although many people do not like this character, it's nice to see cosplay of the most recent Fire Emblem game. Seeing cosplay from Fire Emblem is good enough, as most of the cosplay on conventions are from anime. Kazahana actually is my waifu for FE:Fates Birthright.

Shidou Hikaru from Magic Knight Rayearth

Two words. Childhood crush. My younger self would be very happy.

Neku Sakuraba from The World Ends With You

One of my favorite shots, and I even have to edit this for maximum effect.

Johnny Bravo

A blast from the past! Main character of one of the famous shows of Cartoon Network back in the 90's.

The Final Fantasy X squad.

This is what makes cosplay fun, group cosplay!

I always wanted to try cosplay, with a group of Fire Emblem characters. Sadly, this plan got ruined two years ago, for the same convention, because of some reasons, and then I had trust issues.

Batman V Superman

Parenting done right! This kid attracted the attention of crowds. He's dragging a superman mannequin around the hall, and steps on a tomato pillow thing. The fruit is labeled "Rotten Tomatoes", the "true" enemy of the DC universe.

The different cosplay in the convention shows that there's no such thing as "outdated" in cosplay. As long as you love the character you cosplay, why not?

Apart from the cosplay, there are also other activities which can be done, mainly from sponsors.

Answer the question correctly, and get a "medal", and some souvenirs. This is from NHK World channel. I always get the hard topics, and have to do it three times before I answered correctly (with luck). At the same booth...

A pic with Domo! There's also the Domobics, where you do acrobatic exercises with Domo.

Like every other conventions, I always leave the event with some hauls. Most of these are from the fanart section, where there are stalls which sell their art in the forms of keychain, bookmarks, button pins, and etc. Requesting an art for commission is also available there.

I shouldn't have this many stuff, but because of me recently getting into another fandom, Love Live!,  my haul increased drastically. In fact, half of these stuff are from one fandom only. Could've been more, but the art stores ran out of my favorite character of this fandom.

For the next convention that I will be going, I would wish for a new companion. Why? I have a friend who goes with me to conventions, but as the time flows, I don't think he's the right one for company. I'm kinda fed up with how he behaves during these events.

He criticizes people, and sometimes loud enough that people might hear him. It also feels like he's complaining about everything in the convention. I was with him during the first day of Cosplay Mania, and I've heard enough. He would say things like, "That cosplay is not accurate enough", "The cosplayer is not even pretty", and stuff like that. Little did he know that the first time I attended this convention two years ago, I would appreciate any character that I would recognize, and take pictures.

He also complained that most art booths contain Love Live! stuff and Mystic Messenger stuff, and he has harsh words when it comes to hating.. I hope he realizes that sometimes it is better that he just shut his mouth, so he would not hurt others. What he had done is ruining the mood. I'm supposed to be enjoying, and now I also have to deal with him.

Going back to my haul, my Love Live! stuff were bought at Day 2, because I do not dare buy them with my friend around, which is why some stuff of my favorite character ran out of stock. If I did, I would have to deal with his hate comments. I tried explaining in a calm way, how this certain fandom became so popular, but this does not seem to convince him. He could just say that it's not in his books, but he would go too far by saying "yuck".

I would like to say to him, "Walang basagan ng trip." which roughly translates to "Don't ruin what others want." Each of us have different likes, so just respect each other and appreciate each others' fandom. Even once, I did not bash any of the fandom he is into.

As for cosplay, in my opinion, I would cosplay a specific character, because of how much I like/love this character, and most cosplayers would do the same. Even though the cosplay is not perfect, people put their heart into that character, and that's what cosplay is all about.

And again, here I am saying that I need a new companion when I attend these conventions.