Friday, August 19, 2016

P.U.T.A. 4 Reminiscence - January 6, 2013 Post

First of all, I am not swearing in Filipino. It's just by chance, that the event name forms that specific acronym. The event name is Pump Up the Animo.

The term is about to start and training for P.U.T.A. 5 will start. Back then, P.U.T.A. happens on the third term, which used to start in January, before the calendar shift. I think the yearly event P.U.T.A. is already discontinued.

I remember how horrible last season's experience was. That season had our team perform a routine which became a performance that SHOULD win, not the usual just enjoy the dance and winning not the main objective. Of course, we also wanted to win, but this time, I did not enjoy the routine, just like how I used to do with my previous competitions. Every training night became a tiring night. We are falling behind in terms of completing the routine because in every training night, someone will be absent. WHERE IS THE DEDICATION? The training days are just wasted. That includes our energy, and include the effort of everyone who is present.

I am forced to be a base lifter, something that I don't really like to do because my arms are unable to support very heavy weights. I admit, I'm also afraid to lift, with my arms stretched, because there is something different with my elbow joints. My elbow can bend the other way for around 30 degrees, I think.  This is much harder because the one I lift somehow has a problem in maintaining balance with one foot, that is, when executing a scorpion. Most of my energy is depleted per training day during the mastering of this part, until the competition day, where we failed to execute this part of the routine perfectly.

It's easy to spot which part of the routine I'm talking about where we failed to execute the lift perfectly, and we're in the middle!

I got tricked by a girl. When she found out that I got a crush on her, I think she abused it. She is one of the people who made me drunk one night during a team gathering on University Week. Of course, there's peer pressure, but there's also her. During her debut, I just requested for a photo with her on the photo booth, she said "later" and I agreed. Then she never did a photo booth with me. I kept reminding her about it, but she ignored them. I just wished she never invited me to her debut. I walked out with anger and hurt within me. Damn her attitude!

I got left out. I know I'm the quiet type, but that doesn't mean they should leave me literally. On a debut of another teammate, there was supposed to be a performance by the team. I volunteered to be one of the performers. I kept asking them when and where the practices will be. Since I transferred to another school already, they said they can't let me in their practices because they are going to practice in their school, on the sports building. Okay, I would just accept that but "how the hell did our coach teach the choreography of the dance?" He is not a student in their school. They could have practiced outside of school but still what the hell. No one would reply to my questions. Damn again! Some teammates they are.

Lastly, those useless college heads. They are members of the university's cheering squad assigned to the teams for assistance. They are supposed to help us, like help us reserve a training area, show up during our training, ask if any help is needed, give reminders, etc. What did they do? The only help I recognized is they teaching us the traditional cheers, which is required as it is included in the routine. What made me really mad is them telling the whole team that a video presentation introducing the team is required. When did they tell us that? The day before the actual performance at around 10 p.m. I'm in a rage because I'm the video editor (I think video editor is not enough. I believe I'm also the scripwriter, cameraman, director, everything!). I told the team that I will be rushing the video the next day, since the performance is in the afternoon, and the video will be very simple. While we were shooting for the video, the college heads just told me to use the trailer that I made weeks before the performance day. I actually made the video for fun, and for endorsing our team on Facebook. Again, damn! They could have told me that the previous night. I already got my video outline, and a part of the video is already made. I just submitted the video of the trailer. Imagine that I have to bring my laptop on a cheerdance event where I am a participant. Added weight on the stuff that I actually have to bring.

During the event proper, our video is not played because of codec problems on the laptop used. They did not test the video to see if it is working, before the actual event. I found that out through my friend, who are one of those who watched the event. And again, DAMN!

This is the video which I made, and it's mostly based on the trailer of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. This video is made using Adobe Premiere CS3.


I just wished I did not join at all. We did not win the gold. I failed a lot of subjects, resulting to a lot of units this term and was forced to transfer to another school. P.U.T.A. 3 team is still better, because it is the competition where I actually enjoyed cheerdancing. P.U.T.A. 3 is the first one that I've joined since it is when I'm in first year college.

Note: Text in italic are added texts. I feel like placing a commentary on my own blog post from years ago.

Blog Title Origins

This blog page may be new, but the title says "It's Fearless 2.0". This would hint that there is a 1.0 version. Actually, there is a previous blog, named "It's Fearless".

The blog title actually came from a line of a song, from one of my favorite albums. The line "It's Fearless" came from the song Fearless, from the album Fearless by Taylor Swift. You would want to call me a Swiftie, which I was, during the albums Fearless and Speak Now.

Moving back to the topic, I chose that title, because I would want to express my thoughts though blog articles, without fear, fearless.

As I read through my previous blog, I've been thinking. What in the world was I writing? I tried to make a year of blogs, which was discontinued, after three months. I guess there is the pressure of thinking what to write, when you ran out of topics.

I'm trying to be active in blogging again, and I've decided to just leave out the old blog, and put my articles in this newer blog. I'm going to "migrate" some of the more meaningful posts to this blog.

I'd rather not share the link of the previous blog, unless you want to read a lot of useless discussions.